i'm so glad you're here.
i'm so glad you're here.
Life can be a drag sometimes, huh? Yes, it's often in service of something better. Yes, there is a lot we can take from the struggles and suffering we experience in life. Yes, it helps propel us forward on our path of spiritual and emotional development. Yes, yes, yes - and yet... it's okay to just admit that sometimes, healing sucks. It hurts! The parts of ourselves that are the magical, beautiful, miraculous portals to our deepest healing are often the parts that... torment us the most. The ones we like the least. The ones we have spent our lives running from and trying to disown. Feel free to pause here to shake your fist at the sky at the irony of that. "Do I seriously have to befriend those parts of myself? Ugh! Anything but that." I feel it. I really do.
The good news is that no matter what has happened to bring you here, you don't have to navigate this all alone. You don't have to look at the bright side before you're ready. You don't have to experience radical compassion for yourself at all times. You don't have to heal perfectly or in a straight line. Throughout your journey of life, there will always be someone or something there to catch you - whether it be a beloved person or animal, a tree, a piece of art, a line of poetry, or your own loving voice reflected back to you. But that doesn't mean you won't sometimes feel very alone. Let me walk with you through those moments. In therapy, we'll untangle all of it: the messy, the ugly, the transcendent, the hilarious, the grief-stricken, the resilient; the higher parts of you, and the lower ones. As a therapist, I hold radical compassion for you when you're struggling to hold it yourself. I offer my own insights but help you uncover your innate wisdom and strength in whatever shape that might take. I welcome your shadows as readily as I welcome the lighter parts of you. I keep a sharp eye on the tree-line for the glimmers that are waiting to catch you, and hold them until you're ready to receive them. |